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Upper Body Trainers, often referred to as Upper Body Ergometers, provide a safe, convenient alternative to cardio and weight training. Perfect for rehabilitation, upper-body rotational exercise can induce significant improvement in the cardiovascular system while using significantly less muscle mass than a traditional cardio exercise.

Upper-Body Ergometers

Despite their strange-looking design, upper-body ergometers are rapidly growing in popularity as they continue to demonstrate their incredible effectiveness in increasing heart rates for a high-intensity workout. Whether you want to improve your cardio or build strength, upper-body ergometers are powerful pieces of equipment for any size Utah home gym! Loved for their combined safety and convenience, they are also the equipment of choice for many going through physical rehabilitation after an injury or simply looking to get back into shape.

If you have any questions regarding our upper-body ergometers, feel free to reach out to us! Otherwise, we would love to see you in one of our Utah storefronts.